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WS01 – Ma vie a tellement changé

Languages, French, Years 9 and 10

By the end of Year 10, students contribute to and extend interactions in French language in increasingly unfamiliar contexts related to a wide range of interests and issues. They interpret texts by evaluating and synthesising information, ideas and perspectives. They show understanding of how features of language can be used to influence audience response. They create texts, selecting and manipulating language for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. They apply and use complex sentences and structures to create and respond to spoken and written texts. They use a variety of tenses to sequence events and use language devices to enhance meaning and cohesion.


Students incorporate the features and conventions of spoken French to extend fluency. They demonstrate understanding of the conventions of spoken and written texts and the connections between them. They apply knowledge of language structures and features to make and predict meaning. They support analysis of French texts, using metalanguage. They reflect on their own cultural perspectives and identity, and draw on their experience of learning French, to evaluate how this learning influences their ideas and ways of communicating.

Communicating meaning in French | Creating text in French


create and present informative and imaginative texts for diverse contexts and purposes, selecting vocabulary, expressions, grammatical structures and a range of features and conventions to engage different audiences

Understanding language and culture | Understanding systems of language


apply knowledge of grammatical structures to predict meaning and compose texts that contain some complex structures and ideas

Understanding language and culture | Understanding systems of language


reflect on and evaluate French texts, using metalanguage to analyse language structures and features

Understanding language and culture | Understanding the interrelationship of language and culture


reflect on and evaluate how identity is shaped by language(s), culture(s), beliefs, attitudes and values and how these affect ways of communicating



1. Constructs written text to describe past and present experiences and feelings. 


2. Uses the imperfect tense to describe what used to happen, for example, Quand j'étais petite, ... je jouais avec ma sœur. Nous faisions les cabanes et nous jouions à cache-cache. 


3. Uses the infinitive form of the verb after aimer. 


4. Moves from past to present by conjugating the verb in the correct tense. 

5. Uses aller + infinitive to express what the student is going to do. 


6. Uses the passé composé in context.  

7. Uses adverbs to structure the text, for example,  Quand ma famille visite Adelaide ... Quelquefois, ma famille  visitait ... Maintenant je rêve que … 

8. Outlines words that are French borrowed from English, and reflects on differences and correct use. 


9. Explains the importance of correct pronunciation to facilitate meaning. 


10. Describes how similarities in French and English can assist understanding meaning while differences may hinder communication. 


11. Identifies how meanings of sentences differ in the imperfect tense when comparing French and English. 


12. Explains the positioning of French adjectives in French compared to English and provides an example.